Complete Information on Indonesia

Vending machine is very popular in Japan, America, and Europe. You can buy drinks, foods, daily needs, soap, tooth brush, tooth paste, soft drinks, hot drinks, ice cream, you name it. Everything can be sold in a vending machine these days.

BUT in Indonesia, vending machine is useless. Indonesian people will not buy from vending machine.

If you sell those things above, you will need to pay attention to the canvassing strategy which expands your products distribution to grocery stores spread out in almost every sides of the streets in Indonesia.

This is why vending machine is useless in Indonesia. One grocery store is guarded 24/7, and it is enough to fulfill more than half of your daily needs. (mostly the grocery store is open 24/7 because the owner lives and sleeps there). This is like the traditional version of  7 Eleven spread out all over Indonesia.

(See this video of a grocery store, it has almost everything you need)

(Credits go respectfully to the rightful owner)

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